Do you have extra-large trees or stories about large trees? We want to measure them and see how they compare to the rest of the country! Did you know there is an NZ notable tree register that scores significant trees?

Raoni Hammer (Co-Owner and Founder of The TREE PEOPLE) has been measuring and looking for champion trees wherever he goes. He has found some of the biggest Macrocarpas and biggest Eucalyptus trees in the world. His association with the New Zealand Notable tree register means he puts the measurements in and it works out how they stack up against all the measured trees of that species.
The notable tree register says…
The New Zealand Notable Tree Register recognises that some of our greatest treasures are its trees. From our iconic native species to the colourful exotic trees that grace our parks and gardens, New Zealand’s trees are as spectacular as they are varied.
The New Zealand Notable Trees Trust maintains a register of our most significant trees. It builds on records dating back to 1940 and is being constantly updated by scores of tree hunters. The ‘champion score’ is a calculation of height, girth and canopy spread, but the register also records the location, species and protection classification, if any.
Top of the register is Te Matua Ngahere, the 2000-year-old kauri in Northland’s Waipoua Forest, with 807 points. Its neighbour, Tāne Mahuta, comes in second with 788 points. (Although taller than Te Matua Ngahere, Tāne Mahuta’s girth is lesser.)
Ra says…
“Often the owners are worried it will have a legal implication but that’s not the case. It shows us how it compares to the same species in NZ and if it’s a champion tree”. Often I find trees that are outstanding and the owners thought nothing of it until I told them it’s actually the biggest in the south island for example and they look at the tree in a whole new light, they become proud of that fact and the tree gets looked at in a whole new light. That’s why I do it!”
Ra is the co-owner of The TREE PEOPLE and is working on his diploma in arboriculture. He has had a lifelong passion for trees.
If you think you’ve got a tree of exceptional size let him know and he’ll come and have a measure with a laser and let you know how it measures up!
Curious about tree hunting for champion trees? This interesting article highlights the passionate work of ‘tree hunters’ seeking these champion trees who want nothing more than for them to be registered as a notable tree.
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