Sustainable Outcomes

Environmental Sustainability

By July 14, 2023 July 15th, 2023 No Comments

The Tree People’s constitution is based on community, business, and environmental sustainability. We unequivocally conduct business in ways that are beneficial for the trees, the people, and the planet. This distinguishes and differentiates us from similar companies and guides all our actions.

The Tree People’s commitment to sustainability is inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals help drive our commitment to directly support local businesses, environmental initiatives, and also provide a sustainable future through protecting the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, and our communities.

Energy Management Plan

UN Sustainable Development Goal: #7 – Affordable and clean energy


The Tree People are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and energy use by implementing procedures and measures to reduce energy waste and increase efficiency.

Goals: Actions:
10% reduction of total electricity consumption
  • Installing energy efficient lighting
  • Turning off electrical equipment when not in use
  • Utilisation of power generated from solar panels
10% increase in the total use of renewable energy
  • Generation of electricity from solar panels to power and charge batteries for small plant
50% of fuels and oils purchased are from renewable sources
  • Use of biofuels or bio-lubricants in fleet and small plant where able to do so

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction

UN Sustainable Development Goal: #7 – Affordable and clean energy


The Tree People are committed to reducing our energy related consumption and limiting the production of greenhouse gas emissions, striving to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2028.

Goals: Actions:
80% of small plant will be battery operated
  • As new small plant is purchased, consideration will first be given to battery powered models, resulting in a reduction of our petrol use.
50% of small fleet will be battery or hybrid vehicles
  • As new small fleet is purchased, consideration will first be given to battery powered models. This will result in a reduction in petrol use. We purchased 3 Hybrid Aquas in 2022.
Begin large scale Biochar production to offset our carbon emissions
  • Work with Canterbury University to develop a machine to produce Biochar on a large scale.
Tree planting
  • We have contracts to plant upwards of 57,000 trees in 2023.
Reduce electricity consumption
  • Installing energy efficient lighting.
  • Turning off electrical equipment when not in use.
  • Utilisation of power generated from solar panels.
Increase the use of renewable energy
  • Generation of electricity from solar panels to power and charge batteries for small plant.
  • Use a power company that generates 100% renewable energy.
50% of fuels and oils purchased are from renewable sources
  • Use of biofuels or biolubricants in fleet and small plant where able to do so.

Sustainable initiatives: Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions

The Tree People can offset our carbon footprint utilising a byproduct of our work, Biochar.

Biochar can sequester carbon in several ways:

  • Slow carbon degradation: Biochar is a highly stable form of carbon that is resistant to degradation. When added to soil, Biochar can remain in the soil for hundreds or even thousands of years, effectively removing carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Increased soil organic matter: When Biochar is added to soil, it increases the soil’s organic matter content. Organic matter is composed of carbon, among other elements, and is a natural way to sequester carbon in soil. As the soil’s organic matter content increases, so does its ability to store carbon.
  • Reduced carbon loss: Biochar can reduce carbon loss from soil through processes such as erosion and leaching. By stabilising soil structure and improving water retention, Biochar can help to keep carbon in the soil.
  • Enhanced plant growth: Biochar can enhance plant growth by improving soil fertility, water retention, and nutrient availability. When plants grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store the carbon in their tissues. By promoting plant growth, Biochar can increase the amount of carbon stored in the soil.

The Tree People’s 5 year goal to having a 100% electric/hydrogen fleet.

As a company committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, The Tree People believes that we can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions by switching our fleet vehicles from petrol to electric.

By switching to electric vehicles, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint, improve air quality, and reduce noise pollution in the areas where we operate. This change aligns with everything we believe in as a company.

In addition to the environmental benefits, switching to electric vehicles can provide economic benefits for our company and the local community. Electric vehicles are more energy-efficient, resulting in lower overall energy consumption and costs. Furthermore, as a company that cares about the well-being of our employees, customers, and the community, we believe that reducing noise and air pollution can have a positive impact on the quality of life in the areas where we operate.

The Tree People utilise plant-based, biodegradable waste oil and our circular economy

Using repurposed waste oil in chainsaws is an environmentally responsible practice that can benefit both the equipment and the natural environment. The canola oil we use is a renewable and biodegradable resource, meaning that it has a lower impact on the environment compared to petroleum-based oils. By utilising canola oil, the carbon footprint of the company can be reduced, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices and supporting the principles of environmental protection.

Apart from the environmental benefits, canola oil is a highly effective lubricant for chainsaws. Its superior lubricating properties can prolong the lifespan of equipment and reduce maintenance costs. Additionally, using canola oil produces less smoke and emissions, improving the air quality and creating a healthier working environment for the team. Therefore, incorporating the use of canola oil in chainsaws can align with our sustainability goals and demonstrate a proactive approach to environmental management.

Solid Waste Reduction

UN Sustainable Development Goal: #12 – Responsible production and consumption


Minimise our environmental harm through reducing our emissions or discharges to land, air or water

Adopt, where possible, a circular economy where products we use can be reused, recycled or repurposed

Demonstrate leadership, educate ourselves and act upon best practices that help us to minimise and manage waste with better understanding


Goals: Actions:
Paper Efficiency

Reduce paper use by 70%

We have and are transitioning to:

  • Electronic quoting, job allocation and invoicing
  • Electronic timesheets & leave requests for employees
  • Electronic job sheets for crew
Waste Diversion

Reduce waste going to landfill by 80%

  • Conduct regular audits to determine where our waste is going
  • Purchasing reusable or second-hand products where possible
  • Donating or selling unwanted items, e.g.: uniforms and tools
  • Buying products made from recycled materials or materials that can be recycled
  • Using refillable bottles, containers, bags, cutlery etc
  • Composting vegetative waste
  • Sorting and disposing of waste properly
Waste Diversion

Reduce waste at source by 80%

  • Purchasing products without unnecessary packaging
  • Repairing and reusing products instead of sending to landfill
  • Purchasing products that are more durable and less toxic
  • Purchasing products with less packaging or purchase in bulk
Energy Reduction

Reduce carbon emissions by 25%

  • 60% of small plant will be battery operated
  • 80% of small fleet will be hybrid or electric

Increase reuse of green waste by 15%

  • Reusing mulch in garden beds or larger scale community plantings
  • Donating log wood to Rekindle for community classes and projects
  • Donating loads of firewood through Wood for Good to community groups for fundraising
  • Freezing, giving away or composting food leftovers from staff functions
  • Trading excess wood for use in a local woodfired pizza restaurant. In turn, this restaurant supplies The Tree People with used vegetable oil for biodegradable lubrication on our small plant
  • Processing green waste so it can be disposed of with no, mitigated or significant adverse effect on the environment (e.g. Biochar, compost, aged mulch)

Water Management and Reduction Plan

UN Sustainable Development Goals: #6 – Clean waste and sanitation


The Tree People believe in being effective environmental stewards by continuing to pursue our water conservation efforts.

Goals: Actions:
Water Efficiency

Reduce total freshwater consumption by 10%

  • Fix faulty meter to give accurate data to reduce consumption in the future
  • Educating employees about using water efficiently, we aim to reduce demand from 25L of water per person per day to 20L
  • Rainwater captured from the roof will be recycled and used to water indoor and outdoor plants
  • Water readings will be monitored to understand and respond to any spikes in water usage
  • Any leaks within our water system will be repaired without delay